

Pretty Flowers

The green vase was a thrift store find. The flowers were on clearance at Kroger grocery store.


Garlic from the Garden

Last summer our favorite librarian gave us several heads of Music garlic. We planted the cloves of one head and ate the rest. This morning I harvested the new crop. I'll roast them with some organic potatoes tomorrow.

I am Happy Dancing!!

Why the Happy Dance? Because I finally, finally, finally finished this book. My sister, Judy, and I have been doing a long-distance book discussion with this book since February (with quite a few breaks for sanity). I read the last word last night, finished 718 pages, and I never want to read it again!


TX Roses

The rosebuds are from bushes in our front landscaping. The little bud vase was found today at Bearly Used Thrift Store for just 59 cents.


Two Watermelons and a Gourd

This is the melon from the previous post. It is getting bigger!

Wow, what a watermelon!

The larger of John's two volunteer birdhouse gourds. It is growing in a weed-choked box.


Summer Salad Photo Challenge

Both the tomato and the basil are from my garden. Letha, at Dr. McDougall's Discussion Board, has started a Summer Salad Photo Challenge. Here is one of my entries. Isn't it pretty? My poor garden has suffered terribly with the summer heat so I am especially proud of this. Check out the other beautiful photos on the challenge thread!


More Summer Garden Photos

An itty bitty, teeny weeny watermelon.

I think this one's an ornamental gourd.

John's birdhouse gourd is thriving on benign neglect.


Dragon's Egg Cucumbers

These were hidden under the leaves and vines of the cucumber plant. Jumbo eggs!


What I am (Still) Reading (Again)

So many words!

Summer Garden Photos

A nest of Dragon's Egg cucumbers and basil.

Purple hull peas.


Dragon and Kenya -- Four Weeks Later

The babies went back to the barn today and I am missing them.

Dragon with a dragon.

Kenya mauling a croc.


Dragon's Egg Cucumbers

Our first harvest of Dragon's Egg cucumbers. We'll enjoy them with our 4th of July veggie burgers.

Treasures from ThriftTown

The white dish will be on the dinner table frequently, filled with a colorful assortment of raw fruits and/or veggies. The bright fabric under the dish is a fish-patterned shower curtain. It will be used in John's bathroom for home-sale-staging. Not in the immediate future, but I am planning ahead to the day we get the h*ll out of this place!


Cat Fight!

Summer Garden Photos

A view of the new flower bed along the south fence of our backyard. It's still a work-in-progress.

A tiny dragon's egg cucumber.

Those two long skinny things are pink-eye purple-hull peas.

Another view of the pink-eye purple-hull peas.

And another.