Today I shredded my Make-It-Happen Book. I could not stand the thought of unrelenting positive thinking any longer. There were a few ideas, though, that I hated to lose:
Do not give up or run away from the opportunity to grow.
You're always going to find new things; nothing's ever done.
Baby steps spark miracles.
Every room needs a touch of yellow.
Simplicity - Appropriateness - Beauty
Symmetry - Balance - Harmony
Time - Energy - Money
Luxury - Elegance - Refinement
Interest - Knowledge - Experience
To live in a deliberate way --
savoir vivre.
Simplicity - Class - Grace - Style - Elegance
The ordinary holds no charm.
If you do not change the direction you are going, you may end up where you are heading.
What one can do, I will do.
Intentionality. Mindfulness. Treasure Hunt. Treasure Map. Dragonfly. Waterfall.
Pink Bubble. Illumination. Anticipation. O, the Joy! Bliss. Other Plans. Amethyst.
Seeker. Meaning & Purpose. Goodness & Bounty. Positivity. Open Mind/Open Heart.
The Golden Triangle of Life: Beauty, Truth, Goodness.
Make the best of it -- and be thankful.
Nature is extravagant with color. Why shouldn't we be?
McDougall Zen in 2010.
I have faith in a good outcome.
This is not forever. This is just for now.
My McDougall-style diet is compassionate, ethical, pure and healthful.