

Link to New Blog

Here's a link to my new blog, Kenton CrissCross:


Being a Gardener...

From Gardening for a Lifetime; How to Garden Wiser as You Grow Older by Sydney Eddison:

"Being a gardener stops you from the willing destruction of the fragile world on which we all depend for food, health, and the air we breathe. And if gardening doesn't make you a better person, at least it reveals the best that is in you."


Farewell to Fort Worth

Our house is sold.
This story's told.

We leave Thursday for the long trip north. Check back here for a link to my new blog as I morph from Teri TX into Teri PDX.

Little Red Tomato



Teri and Judy Sharing a Tasty McDougall Meal ...

Teri says: I started my vegan lifestyle for health reasons, then it
moral choice, and now it's just to annoy people.

Cartoon from Dr. Ruth Heidrich's website .

Ten Rules To Save Your Life
1. Eat a diet of fruits and vegetables, preferably organic.
2. Eat them raw as much as possible.
3. Eat them whole, never processed or refined.
4. Emphasize high-antioxidant foods: berries, leafy greens, and add nuts/seeds if losing too much weight.
5. Make your beverage water and/or green tea.
6. No drugs including caffeine.
7. No alcohol or cigarettes..
8. Exercise daily, time and intensity depending on your level of fitness.
9. Sleep should follow natural rhythm with no alarm clocks or other disturbances.
10. Breathe air as clean and pure as possible.

Ruth Heidrich, Ph.D.

Garden Photos: 7/15/10

White rosebud in front yard.

Yellow rosebud in front yard.

Pot of Greek Dwarf Basil on front porch (in early morning sun).

Green beans are making a comeback due to slightly cooler weather and lots of rain.

Birdhouse gourd blossom.

Ornamental gourd.

Ornamental gourds.

Baby watermelon.

Bigger baby watermelon.

Ornamental gourd in in the tomato plant.

Bigger ornamental gourd in the tomato plant.


Garden Photos: 7/9/10

Little ornamental gourds.

Lots of bean blossoms.

Big okra blossoms.

Local TX Dew-liscious Melon

A very tasty melon with crisp, juicy, sweet flesh. I saved the seeds and will try to grow this melon in PDX.

Bonus photo: Raindrops on scroll-y wrought iron hose holder.


Happy Milestone Birthday, Judy!

What I'm Reading

Pa and Ma and Mary and Laura and Baby Carrie.

Ma is my role model, a true minimalist. Disappointed that their new home was a dugout in a creek bank, she looked on the bright side; "It's clean and pleasant." That was good enough for her and it's good enough for me, too.

Garden Photos, 07/06/10

BIG okra.

Teeny, tiny watermelon.

Gourd twined in the tomato plant.